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How to Take a Tolerance Break the Right Way


Does it feel like cannabis isn’t hitting you the way it used to? You may have developed a high tolerance. Tolerance is a mechanism that causes the body to adjust to a substance over prolonged exposure. It results in you experiencing diminishing returns when using the substance. Put plainly, keep using cannabis, and you will need to intake greater and greater amounts to get the same effects.

Using more marijuana can be an issue if you partake in a regulated dosage for medical problems like chronic pain. Fortunately, there are a few ways to reset your cannabis tolerance.

Keep reading to learn how to take a tolerance break right away! 

How Tolerance Rises

You may be curious as to why your cannabis tolerance increases. Cannabis tolerance is a consequence of regular usage. Ingest tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component within cannabis, frequently, and your brain’s cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors will deplete over time. Fewer receptors mean reduced effects.

It may sound easy just to say that using cannabis X times over Y time results in tolerance. Yet, it’s more than just a single factor that results in you getting used to marijuana. Several factors lead to cannabis tolerance, including the following: 

  • Frequency of cannabis usage
  • Strength of the cannabis
  • Your biology

While it can be a bummer for your body to get used to cannabis, there are ways to give your body a reset. If you experience pain, for example, it’s vital to find a solution. That way, you can use cannabis to treat the pain without you having to increase your intake. 

Consider Taking a Break

A “T break” is a nickname for temporarily abstaining from cannabis. CB1 receptors can “burn out” with regular activity. But, the good news is that they can return to previous levels if given time. 

How long your T break lasts is up to you. While no solid data has tracked the recovery time for CB1 receptors, common knowledge recommends two weeks as sufficient time. Try a few weeks, and if that doesn’t seem to do the trick, increase it to three weeks. 

Taking a break is often a straightforward approach to resetting your tolerance. 

Other Approaches

While a T break may sound good, people who rely on medical marijuana do not have that option. Consider the following strategies if a T break does not suit your habits.

Use Cannabis with a Higher CBD: THC Ratio

CBD is another chemical within cannabis. While it will not induce a high, it does not deplete CB1 receptors. You can still use it to manage pain and inflammation. The next time you get marijuana, pick up some CBD as well. Most dispensaries offer products with ratios ranging from 1:1 to 16:1. Find a dose that works well for you, depending on your pain level. 

Closely Monitor Your Dosage

The less cannabis you use, the lower your tolerance chances are. Stick to the minimum and avoid overindulging.

Reduce Your Usage

If you cannot take a break, use cannabis less often. Taking small breaks can still reset your tolerance and keep it in check.

Try Vitamins and Supplements 

Some supplements can help with resetting your tolerance. Some experts also believe that vitamins like vitamin C and omega-3 supplements will decrease your tolerance. Either way, it’s good to ensure you have vitamin C and omega-3 supplements in your diet while using cannabis. 

Prepare for Withdrawal

If you have a high tolerance, you will likely go through withdrawal when you break or cut back. Cannabis withdrawal is less harsh than withdrawal from other substances. It often lasts no more than 72 hours. 

Yet, it is far from pleasant, and you can expect the following:

  • Cognitive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Reduced appetite
  • Stomach issues like nausea
  • Wild dreams

To manage these issues, remain hydrated and get plenty of rest. You can rely on over-the-counter treatments for any headaches or nausea. Take time to exercise as well. Some exercise, especially in the fresh air outdoors, can do wonders for low feelings. 

These symptoms may compel you to go back. However, consider telling those you trust that you are on a T break to remain accountable.

Preventing Further Tolerance

After reconfiguring your tolerance, follow these tips to keep it in check.

  • Stick to lower-THC products
  • Partake in moderation
  • Favor lower dosages than what you used before
  • Switch to CBD-only products

Beware that developing a tolerance for cannabis is unavoidable for some people. If you fall into that group, consider working out a schedule with regular T breaks.

Wrapping Things Up

Tolerance is a normal part of cannabis use.  You can usually handle tolerance by undergoing a one-to-two-week T break. If a T break is not viable, either switch to lower THC or partake less often.

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